
In addition to our regular PTS, BIPEA organizes customized PT programs.

This service is a personalized proficiency testing schemes or ring tests organized upon request of a group of laboratories, an interprofession or an industrial group and take into account the objectives and specific needs of the stakeholder.

This service is dedicated to a group of laboratories, an inter-branch organization or an industrial group with specific needs in terms of proficiency testing.

We will set up these programs based on specifications decided with the group.


This may include:

• Quality control for a group of laboratories,
• Verification/comparison of methods,
• Characterization of methods (ISO 5725): estimation of the accuracy of a method being validated,
• Statistical study of results,
• Manufacture of Internal Reference Materials,
• Preparation of control samples.


These personalized services can concern all or part of the organization of a PT:
• Supply of raw materials,
• Manufacture and/or shipment of samples,
• Statistical treatment of the results,
• Publication of the reports.


BIPEA supports you with its expertise and ensures that all requirements are being followed.

For customized PT programs, matrices, parameters, number of replications and methods are defined in close collaboration between the customer and BIPEA according to the objectives and costs.

After a careful definition of the project, a proposal is set up.

If you plan to set up a customized PT programs, please feel free to contact BIPEA Director: 
